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Breathe into Spring

The onset of Spring always fills me with excitement, igniting inspiration and the anticipation of new beginnings.  It might be because I was born in March that I love this time of year so much or it might be because so much life starts in spring. I do like the fact that in the spring of 1970, I sprung into the world and joined all the new life nature adorns us with at this time of year. 

Today is officially the first day of spring and the sun has managed to occasionally break through the clouds to put in an optimistic appearance. Of course we salute the sun even when it’s reluctant to actually shine so when the sun does shine and we get more daylight it’s refreshing to mark the change with postures that open the body up.  The winter can play havoc with our postures if we are tempted to retreat to foetal-like positions against the cold and darkness.

Find yourself a nice spot, outside or by an open window and breathe in the still, cool, fresh air.  Breathe in for the count of 5 (slowly!) through your nose, pause then let the air release from your lungs through your mouth.  I like just letting the air go without putting much effort into it! It can be nice to do this a couple of times.  There are a number of things you could focus on while doing this: How does your body move as you inhale and exhale, how does your jaw feel as you exhale? What noise does the air make as you inhale and exhale?  

This sort of activity can be a life saver anywhere and has a wonderfully calming effect on the mind because it calms your nervous system; it’s what you mind find in a mental health first aid kit! 

Stay by your open window or the lovely spot you’ve found outside and, while standing, on an inhale, roll your shoulder up to your ears and as you exhale draw them down your back to open your chest and lift your face to the sky.  Yay!!! You’re doing yoga! If you want to add a little backbend that can be nice too. Eyes open, eyes closed…your choice.  But breathe and open your heart to something new this spring.  

As we know, yoga means to connect and the spring is a wonderful time to foster a union with the external world and embracing the light, vitality, and endless possibilities of life.


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