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Embracing the difference: Why I’m a yoga teacher not a yoga instructor

This difference really struck me this week when my gorgeous class of new yogis were flowing through a sequence with so much grace and confidence! They have been to four classes with me and they have made amazing progress and have learnt loads.  They really earn their savasana at the end of class! 

What is the difference between being a teacher and an instructor? I think it’s something like this: an instructor focuses on relaying information and guiding and a teacher fosters understanding, reflection and personal growth.  I aim to be a teacher not an instructor.  As we know, yoga is about connection and as a teacher I like to think I’ve got a connection with my students.  Hats off to them because they have put their total trust in me and haven’t batted an eyelid when I've said things like 'we were going to learn how to stand'!

They have learnt to do what their bodies can and rest when they need to not, just when I’ve put aside time to rest in my lesson plan!  They also modify postures to suit themselves which shows an understanding of some of the yoga philosophy we have applied to the classes such as non-attachment and non-harming.  This is impressive! 

I (sun) salute my lovely students and look forward to watching further developments and sharing my love of yoga with them and my new yogis.   Namaste friends! 

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