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When the morning comes...

Uncurling and unravelling ourselves from our beds in the morning can be tricky at the best of times but as we draw nearer to the shortest day of the year and we are somewhat deprived of daylight, getting up in the morning is getting gradually more challenging even for some early birds! Paying attention to our sleep wake cycle is a really helpful way of recognising how routines, the changes in season, external stimuli or our internal state might or might not be serving us.  Sleep is not always about quantity because the quality of sleep is equally important to our health and happiness.  Sleep is healing and helps the body repair, muscles strengthen and our minds to reset, consolidate different types of memories and improve cognitive awareness.  

Resetting our daily clock starts as soon as we wake up and there are a few things that can be done during the day in preparation for sleep help for a restful night.  For example at this time of year get as much daylight as you can, gently exercise, stay hydrated, avoid caffeine etc, etc. 

Yoga is a great way to start the day and has numerous benefits that are supported by proper academic research! You might even feel a little perky as you head to the kettle to make your first cuppa of the day, after a short bit of yoga!  Our cortisol levels are high in the morning and getting to grips with some slow breath led movement can help start the day regulated. It’s very grounding, concentrates the mind and balances the body. It’s hard work doing all the stuff while we sleep and the body needs waking up to gently, kind movement. 

But, while it feels easy in the summer to get out of bed and head for your mat and maybe even do some lovely morning yoga outside, the winter presents a whole different story.  I suggest even the most dedicated yogis might not leap out of bed and launch into a dozen sun salutations to greet the day! 

At this time of year, I recommend a really slow start to your day and your yoga practice can start as soon as your eyes flicker open and break free of the crusty sleep bogies. You don’t even need a mat, pyjamas are the perfect yoga gear and if you sleep naked I have no advice for you! Open your eyes, breathe and move.

Start in your bed and just move to stretch your body, connect with your breath, focus your mind by inhaling when your body opens and exhaling when your body contracts or rotates. 

Good luck

Love Karen x

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