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Where to start?!

Knowing where to start anything often stops us from starting at all! I faffed around with my website for weeks wondering where and how to start being a yoga teacher. But, I had to take the dive in the end or I’d be messing around with graphics, fonts, colours and content forever!

You may be wondering where to start with a yoga practice. And to be fair, the yoga industry is huge and there is a lot of jargon and a few myths around yoga that makes it seem more complex than it actually is. So let’s take a dive together. I’ll be a yoga teacher and you can learn where to start and where your yoga practice might take you.

In the first series of blogs I'm going to write, I want to help you start a practice or if you already have a practice maybe adopt a beginner’s mind and reflect on what you already do. Have you become too comfortable? When did you last try something different? When did you last connect your physical practice with your mind?

We’ll start by looking at the different types of yoga classes, some of the basics of yoga philosophy and how the ancient practice of yoga can help with our busy modern lives. Yoga means 'to yoke'; to connect. Connection brings things together; connecting our breath to movement, our body and mind and connection with others (including you and me!).

So back to my original question: where to start? It’s actually very simple:

“Just where you are, that’s the place to start” (Pema Chodron)

Love Karen x

48 views3 comments


Sep 12, 2023

This is just beautiful!


Ange Wordsworth
Ange Wordsworth
Sep 12, 2023

What a fabulous introduction to your Web page Karen. I love it. You will be a wonderful, inspirational teacher as you share your warm heart and enjoy the joy of others. Namaste 🙏


Sep 11, 2023

I didn’t know about the yoke/connection- thank you!

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