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Yama, Yama, Yama

Yoga has changed my perspective on life so much and Ahimsa, Satya and Asteya have helped me to consider the way I live.  The final two Yamas are also worth a ponder!  

Brachmacharay is sometimes translated as ‘celibacy’.  But before you switch off just stay with me for a couple of minutes; it’s not as boring as it first seems. 

Another way to look at it is ‘the right use of energy’ or ‘energy moderation’.  It encourages us to be aware of how we are using our senses.  Are you overindulging a sense that actually might be doing you harm? Are you using your energy wisely? Do you let your senses rule your behaviour? 

Whatever disturbs your mind might not serve you in the healthiest way and overloading the senses can lead to chatter and confusion (it definitely does for me!).  Asana (the physical practice) can encourage you to use your energy in a different way; to focus on a balance or staying steady. 

The final Yama is Aparigraha (non-grasping, non-hoarding,). I’ve managed to practise this in so many ways! Have you got any attachments to things, ideas, notions, values that might not serve you in the best way? During asana practice this Yama can be really quite humbling if we start to strain to and think of poses as something to own rather than to be involved in. 

Some might ‘talk’ to you more than others. They may not resonate at all but the reason I wanted to share this is to share the wonder of yoga that is beyond but supported by what we do on the mat. 


Karen x

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