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Yoga IS for you!

I left you last time pondering where you might start your yoga adventure or for those already practising an offer to challenge yourself to try something different or new, however small. Maybe you moved from cat/cow in a different way; moving from your hips or your shoulders!

I am going to leave the different types of yoga until next week because I think there’s something else more pressing to talk about first. As my passion for yoga has increased and I try to turn every topic of conversation to yoga (not obsessed at all!) I’ve heard from lots of people who perceive yoga as something that is not accessible to them. I genuinely believe that anyone can do yoga. Let’s forget the instagram yoga for a minute; the impossible looking poses that wouldn’t seem out of place at the Cirque du Soleil. There is a place for those poses but not at the moment and definitely not for me!

Yoga is so much more than the asanas (the physical poses). Over the weeks I will reveal things about yoga that leave you wanting to know more! Maybe I can entice you to start practising! The first thing I want to convince you about is that age is not a barrier, body shape is not a barrier, a dodgy knee or hip are not barriers, a physical impairment is not a barrier. Not being able to get down to the floor is not a barrier.

People of all ages can do yoga and you can start yoga in your 80s or 90s or when you are 5! Yoga teachers are trained to adapt to accommodate the dodgy knee and hip! Don’t feel confident in leggings? First rule of yoga is that it’s non-competitive and non-judgmental. It’s just you and your mat! Can’t get down on the floor? Choose chair yoga (more about this another time).

I’ll go back to my mantra and leave you with this: if you can breathe you can do yoga!


Karen x

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